2011년 10월 22일 토요일
If they are, you can move on to the next step.Third,
If they are, you can move on to the next step.Third, teach your child to bunt the ball from a waist high tee. is a psychotherapist and the founder of http://www.stayinthezone.comHe has written several books and developed several programs to help people perform to their fullest potential at sports, at work and at school. Dr. TheNike TN Pas Cher, first thing to determine is if your child is more comfortable batting right handed or left handed. (By the way, if the youngster likes it, choking up on the bat is fine at this age.)Once your child has mastered the abbreviated swing described above, you can teach them to use the full swing off the tee. EmphasizeNike Shox Torch Homme balance, weight transfer and what a ball in their strike zone feels like. Granat, Ph.D. If it moves, a lot kids will lose their balance and also lose sight of the ball.Also, start to teach them the idea of stepping toward the ball in the strike zone.Help your child to master the proper grip and not hold the bat too tightly. Don't give them any instruction yet. It will also start to build his or her confidence as most kids can do this.If your child can not do this after some practice, you may need to have a consultation with his or her pediatrician. Golf Digest named Dr. He was recently featured in a documentary film on long distance running. Also, he or she is apt to tense up at the plate when they begin to face pitching. The head is the heaviest part of the body. Granat, a former university professor, has appeared in The New York Times, Good Morning America, AP, ESPN, Golf Digest, The BBC and The CBC. Don't go to the longer swing until they can bunt the ball comfortably and consistently.Keep the instruction to no more than ten or fifteen minutes at this young age. If you proceed in small steps and provide lots of support, encouragement and enthusiasm, your child will may discover that your he or she loves baseball. You can move the tee around so your child gets a feeling for what he can reach and what he can not reach comfortably.Once your youngster can hit ten balls off the tee in a row, it is time to start pitching to him underhanded from a short distance. Encourage your child to keep his or head still. He can be reached at info@stayinthezone.com. While there are some kids who can learn simply by imitating what they see on television and their video games, many children will better learn the basics of hitting if it is taught to them in small steps.Age four is a good time to start this kind of instruction. He is now a switch hitter, but seems to hit the ball harder as lefty, even though he throws right handed.Second, hand your kid a Nike Ninja Femmewhiffle ball bat and a few whiffle balls and simply let them smack the balls around on the ground at a park or in your back yard. Also, many of these skills will be useful in tennis, golf, lacrosse and other sports.Who knows? Maybe the next Derek Jeter or Mickey Mantle is running around your yard right now.When your child gets older, the two of you might enjoy two program available at stayinthezone.com - Bedtime Stories For Young Athletes and 101 Ways To Break Out Of A Hitting Slump.Jay P. Granat one of America's Top Ten Mental Gurus. If the bat is held tightly the hitter can not learn to generate the centrifugal force he needs to hit through the ball. Dr. Emphasize contact not distance or power.Gradually lengthen his or her swing. This will help your youngster to learn to watch the bat making contact with the ball. You can also have them hold a bat both ways and ask them which is more comfortable.My son and I are ambidextrous, so this was a little confusing at first, since he initially felt equally comfortable on both sides of the plate. You can sort this out by watching which hand they throw with, eat with and write with. Hitting a moving round object with a cylinder is one of the most difficult tasks in all of sports.There are a lot of theories and strategies on how to best teach a young child the fundamental skills which are required to master this particular athletic challenge.Here are a few simple tips and a simple method to help young hitters, their parents and their coaches:Sport psychologists, coaches and learning experts like to break athletic tasks down into steps. His books include Zone Tennis and Get Into The Zone In Just One Minute.Heis also the author of How To Get Into The Zone With Sport Psychology And Self-Hypnosis, How To Lower Your Golf Score With Sport Psychology And Self-Hypnosis, 101 Ways To Break Out Of A Hitting Slump and Bed Time Stories For Young Athletes. Begin with the bunting exercise described above and progress in steps the same way you did when teaching your kid to hit off the tee. Just watch them and see if they are at all interested. Don't panic, however, kids learn many things at different paces and different ages.Next, teach your child how to hold the bat and how to hit the ball with a short swing of about six inches in length. Granat writes a weekly column for three newspapers..
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