Here is some direction:* Sprints, 1-2 time a week* Lift heavy stuff, 3 time a week*
Lift light stuff for high reps, 2-3 times a week* Long slow cardio, hiking or
biking, not jogging, 1 time a week* Play, 1-4 times a week- sports, goof around
on a jungle gym, just have fun with your workouts!* Take the stairs* Walk or
bike to work* Go for a walk at lunch time* Find excuses to exercise without
exercising!To sum it up, being healthy and looking like it too is really simple.Eat a
diet consisting of natural foods that are high in nutrition and low in empty calories.Sleep
as much as possible, 10 hours is a good start. If it comes in a
wrapper and has any chemicals in it, it is not healthy or natural, despite what
Kelloggs and General Mills would have you believe.I am a big believer in the Paleo
diet and as a result think you should only eat what nature has provided humans
for thousands of years.Eat This:* natural or organic meat* tons of veggies* some fruit* nuts*
natural full fat yogurt* berries* fish, especially fatty omega-3 fish like wild salmonDo not eat
this:* grains- don't believe the hype, even the most natural grains are filled with phytoestrogens
and phytades which actually prevent the absorption of nutrients* milk- it is basically chemical sugar
water now, it is so far removed from what comes out of a cow that
I don't think anyone should drink it* anything processed (in a package or wrapper)* alcohol,
obviously* sugar- it promotes cancer in the body and actually feeds cancer cells* tn corn- it
is a grain not a veggie- corn derivatives like high-fructose corn syrup are killing our
children with obesity and as a result diabetesI should mention that nobody is perfect when
it comes to eating well, especially me. Forget about late night TV and go to
bed early. Before you surf along to a website that tells you it is ok
to not exercise often and you can have abs too, remember that you can make
exercise fun. Maybe you rode a horse instead, but that is still fairly physical. Why?
Unfortunately the common response to being obese seems to be taking drugs and then as
a last resort surgery. From hunting to building to carrying things, people burned some serious
calories just living. The idea is to stay as true to a natural diet as
possible so when you do screw up at a party you are not going to
fall into a diabetic coma.SleepBefore TV and computers do you know what people did when
it got dark? They slept! They slept for about 10 hours a day compared to
our current norm of 5-7.In fact, Sleep is so important to weight loss and physical
health that preventing it was a favorite torture method of the Soviets. People have never
been fatter, sicker and weaker than they are now. A world where if you needed
to go across town you actually walked there, even if it took a few days.
Unless you are an elite athlete you should vary your activities as much as possible.
Vary your activities so you aren't bored and going through the Tn Requin motions.In summary, do exactly
the opposite of what all the fat people are doing and you will look and
feel great.Original article source: is a competitive strength athlete as well as a fitness
writer. It doesn't have to be a chore. I actually tried this for a few
weeks a while back and never felt better. Just turn off the boob tube and
go to bed! Maybe even bring your spouse with you there a little early;)Exercise hard
and often but make it fun. You will lose weight and feel better almost immediately.Did
you know that Cuban Olympic weight lifters used to sleep 9 hours a day and
then nap for 3 hours? I leaned that from Dan John's site. Join a sports
team, go for hikes with your significant other, and don't be afraid to lift some
iron to keep that muscle on. Hey, I was fat too, and after a little
reading and self searching I have never struggled with my weight again. I was in
Walmart here in Calgary the other day and literally became worried about Western Civilization.Why are
fat kids drinking slurpies while their parents load the grocery cart with cheap processed poison
a common site now? Obesity and diabetes are epidemic in North America. It was unreal!Exercise/PlayImagine
a world of no cars. They did this to recover from the stress of training
and to keep their weight down to stay competitive in their class. They did eat
a lot of grains, but their grains were actually wholesome and were eaten to fill
a hungry belly more than anything else. Our lives are incredibly sedentary so six days
a week of varied activity will not be too much as long as you are
sleeping and eating correctly. Canada is getting there too but seems to be a decade
behind or so. Look back at how people lived before being 30% body fat was
considered normal.Before the industrial revolution:EatPeople ate unprocessed foods. Not to mention that they actually had
to physically work each and every day just to survive. It drives me crazy!The solution
to the obesity epidemic is so simple and free that I don't understand why this
is even a problem. Today people sit on their asses all day and then might
hit the gym for an hour or so before going back to sitting. Unless you
are moving for 8 hours a day you are sedentary, so stop thinking your 3x
a week gym schedule should be getting you lean!You need to train hard and often
to really be physically fit. Meat was craved, and veggies were always beside them.Do not
listen to anything you ever see on TV about food, especially supposed health food. Your
body needs sleep to recover from damage and stress, it is how you repair yourself.
I recommend six days a week of good solid activity and one day a week
of pure rest. Whenever I travel to the US I am blown away at how
many people are fat and grossly out of shape. All we have to do is
look back before our world changed and conspired to make us fat and weak for
profit. You can find him at his site,
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